Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Do It For Me

I'm not much in front of the computer today so I'm going to keep it brief with Jennifer's (aka Disco Jennifer) 1977 classic "Do It For Me cut. This song was realeased as single and later featured on her funky Walking In Space LP, which I'm hoping to hear more of in the coming future. If anybody has a copy of it and can let me know if the record is any good, I'd appreciate it. Here is the 7" version of the track. Enjoy!

Jennifer - Do It For Me

1 comment:

Héctor Marín Segura said...

esta canción es toda una leyenda entremuchos mexicanos que ahora son sesentones y algunos niños precoces que estaban despiertos a deshoras cuando nuestros padres veían el programa de Luis Carbajo donde podíamos ver a Jennifer bailando mientras su voluptuosidad era notoria a simple vista. Un gran éxito. Felicidades por poner esta canción.